Who is Keir Starmer, the Charismatic but Controversial Man to be the British Prime Minister?

Who is Keir Starmer, the Charismatic but Controversial Man to be the British Prime Minister?

When Keir Starmer was elected to lead Britain’s Labour Party in 2020, right after the party suffered its worst general election defeat in 85 years, he made it his mission to make the party “electable.” Four years later, and after 14 years of governments led by the rival Conservative Party, Keir Starmer is poised to take Britain’s top job. Exit polls from Thursday’s parliamentary elections show it’s not really about whether Labour will win enough seats for Starmer to become the prime minister and form the next government, but by how wide a margin.

The 61-year-old has faced years of criticism for a perceived lack of charisma, but his methodical mission to drag Labour back toward the center of British politics and broaden its appeal to voters appears to have worked. Starmer and Labour have also, indisputably, capitalized on years of economic pain and political chaos under the Conservative Party, who look set to have their parliamentary majority eviscerated.

Professor Sir John Curtice, a political analyst and elections expert who, through decades of TV commentary has become something of a British national institution himself, told the BBC just a couple of days before the election that there was “more chance of lightning striking twice in the same place” than incumbent Conservative Prime Minister Rishi Sunak remaining in power.

Where Does Keir Starmer Come From?

Sir Keir Starmer — the former lawyer was knighted for services to criminal justice — has, through years of chaos (you may remember Partygate, or perhaps even Prime Minister Liz Truss’ 50 days in power) projected an almost dull managerialism that appears to have become a beacon for a welcome return to political normalcy. Starmer grew up in a small town in Surrey, just outside London. His mother worked for the National Health Service, Britain’s free public health care system, and his father was a toolmaker — a fact that Starmer repeated so often during the election campaign that it became a meme.

His mother suffered for all her life from Still’s disease, a type of inflammatory arthritis, and died only a few weeks after he was first elected to the British Parliament in 2015. His father died three years later. Starmer has said his relationship with his father was strained, and that never telling him, “I love you and I respect you” is “the one thing I do regret.” Starmer was the first member of his family to go to university, after which he helped run a left-wing magazine called Socialist Alternatives.

He then became a lawyer, rising up the ranks to become the head of public prosecutions in 2008, running the British government’s Crown Prosecution Service. He received his knighthood in 2014, the year before he turned to politics.

What Are Keir Starmer’s Policies?

Throughout his tenure as Labour leader, Starmer has tried to make his party more electable by forcing out individuals seen as entrenched in its socialist left wing — the faction that ran the party under its previous leader, Jeremy Corbyn (whose cabinet Starmer served in, incidentally). After Corbyn called the findings of an inquiry into antisemitism in the party “dramatically overstated,” Starmer suspended him. “Sometimes you have to be ruthless to be a good leader,” Starmer told Esquire about the episode. His public mantra has been “country before party.”

Starmer’s move toward centrism has been criticized by left-leaning members of his own party and others. He irked many by backtracking on several key pledges, including that Labour would increase income tax, scrap university tuition fees and nationalize the majority of Britain’s public services. He has also come under fire for Labour’s screeching U-turn on a green investment pledge worth more than $35 billion annually, and for equivocating on alleged Israeli war crimes in Gaza, despite his legal background.

In a recent speech, Starmer said he had a long-term “big, bold plan” for Britain. But he cautioned that “we need first steps.” Those, according to the BBC, include clamping down on tax avoidance, shortening NHS patient waiting lists, and recruiting more teachers and neighborhood police officers. He also wants to negotiate a better deal with the European Union, given the catastrophic economic consequences of the U.K.’s “Brexit.” He said his unflashy election pledges were a “down payment” on what the Labour Party can offer Britain if it is given enough time. “I’m not going to make a promise before the election that I’m not comfortable we can actually deliver,” he’s stressed.

“A lot of people on the left will accuse him of letting them down, betraying socialist principles. And a lot of people on the right accuse him of flip-flopping,” Tim Bale, a political scientist at Queen Mary University of London, told The Associated Press. “But, hey, if that’s what it takes to win, then I think that tells you something about Starmer’s character. He will do whatever it takes — and has done whatever it takes — to get into government.”

Starmer’s Potential Influence on U.S.-U.K. Relations

With the British and American election cycles coinciding for the first time since 1992, there is considerable speculation about the future of U.S.-U.K. relations. Labour Party leader Keir Starmer’s potential as Britain’s next Prime Minister brings questions on how his leadership might affect the “special relationship” between the two nations.

Starmer has expressed admiration for President Biden, particularly his emphasis on job creation and domestic industry investment. This mutual respect could pave the way for a closer alliance, with senior Labour figures reportedly holding secret meetings with Democratic counterparts. Such connections suggest that, should Biden remain in office, Starmer would likely become a valuable ally, facilitating a cooperative and supportive transatlantic relationship.

A Biden or Trump Presidency: Different Dynamics

The potential outcomes of the U.S. presidential election could significantly influence the dynamics of U.S.-U.K. relations under Starmer. If former President Donald Trump were to reclaim the presidency, the relationship might face more challenges. Historically, Trump had a strained relationship with Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May but found common ground with Boris Johnson, whose populist stance mirrored Trump’s own.

Analysts like Eliot Wilson, a former senior official in the U.K. House of Commons, predict that while a Biden administration would see Starmer as a supportive ally, a Trump administration might regard him as an annoyance. Starmer’s alignment with Biden’s policies could result in him being less accommodating to Trump’s agenda, potentially leading to a less harmonious relationship.

However, Starmer has emphasized the enduring nature of the U.S.-U.K. relationship, stating, “We will work with whoever is elected. We have a special relationship with the U.S. that transcends whoever the president is.” This pragmatic approach underscores the importance of the transatlantic alliance, regardless of the political leadership in either country.

The Significance of the “Special Relationship

Nearly a decade after Brexit, the “special relationship” between the U.S. and the U.K. has become increasingly vital. The departure from the European Union has pushed the U.K. to seek stronger bilateral ties, with the U.S. being a key partner. Starmer’s leadership could reinforce this bond, especially if both nations prioritize common goals such as economic recovery, climate change, and global security.

Starmer’s potential influence on U.S.-U.K. relations will largely depend on the outcomes of the U.S. election and his ability to navigate the complexities of international diplomacy. His expressed willingness to collaborate with any U.S. president reflects a strategic approach to maintaining and strengthening the historical alliance between the two nations. As both countries face significant political changes, the continuation of this relationship will be crucial for addressing global challenges and promoting mutual interests