President Joe Biden Calls Out Trump’s ‘Worst Lie’ in Fiery RNC Speech”

Biden Gracefully Steps Aside Amidst Controversy for the Sake of Democracy

President Joe Biden, responding to Donald Trump’s lengthy speech at the Republican National Convention, launched a series of social media posts late Friday criticizing various aspects of Trump’s address. Biden, who watched the speech while recovering from COVID-19, expressed disbelief at Trump’s statements, particularly mocking Trump’s assertion that he was concluding his speech only to continue speaking for an additional hour and a half. This extended duration broke Trump’s previous record for the longest convention speech since 1956, as noted by the American Presidency Project.

President Joe Biden highlighted Trump’s remarks on COVID-19, taxation, social security, inflation, and electric vehicles, rebutting claims such as Trump’s assertion of a mandate for electric vehicles. President Joe Biden also scrutinized Project 2025, a policy proposal associated with the Heritage Foundation and some former members of Trump’s administration, criticizing its extreme measures including mass detention camps for immigrants. President Joe Biden emphasized that such policies are contrary to American values, denouncing them as dangerous and divisive.

Biden’s Response on COVID-19 and Social Issue

Addressing Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, Biden underscored discrepancies in Trump’s response and policies during his presidency. Biden’s critique extended to Trump’s stance on social security, where Biden challenged Trump’s proposals and defended his own administration’s approach. Biden emphasized the need for a more compassionate and inclusive national agenda, contrasting his vision with what he termed as Trump’s divisive and regressive policies.

Accusations of Social Security and Medicare Cuts

In addition to COVID-19, President Joe Biden also targeted Trump’s claims about Social Security and Medicare. During his speech, Trump assured the audience that he would protect these programs, a promise that Biden vehemently disputed.

“Donald claimed he’s ‘going to protect Social Security and Medicare. This is a flat-out lie, folks,” President Joe Biden stated. “Trump proposed cutting Social Security and Medicare every year he was in office. And he’ll do it again.” President Joe Biden emphasized that Trump’s past proposals to reduce funding for these critical programs contradicted his current promises, highlighting the inconsistency in Trump’s statements.

President Joe Biden’s criticism extended to Trump’s economic policies as well. He pointed to Trump’s Project 2025 agenda, which he claimed would increase taxes on the middle class while benefiting the wealthy. “He bragged about giving ‘the biggest tax cuts ever’ to his billionaire buddies. But the deal is that his Project 2025 agenda would raise taxes on the middle class,” Biden said, citing a Wall Street Journal report that suggested Trump’s plan would exacerbate inflation.

Critique of Trump’s Economic and Immigration Policies

President Joe Biden also addressed Trump’s promises regarding the economy and immigration. He mocked Trump’s claim of ending inflation, pointing out that even conservative publications like the Wall Street Journal had criticized Trump’s Project 2025 for potentially causing more economic instability. “He said he’ll end inflation, but even the Wall Street Journal published an article agreeing: Trump’s Project 2025 would cause even more inflation. My economic plan is lowering costs and inflation,” President Joe Biden asserted.

On immigration, President Joe Biden condemned Trump’s Project 2025 for its harsh measures, including the proposal to detain immigrants in mass camps. “He said he wants to throw immigrants into mass detention camps as part of his Project 2025 agenda. It’s despicable. Project 2025 is extreme and dangerous. And it’s not who we are as a nation,” Biden declared.

President Joe Biden’s critique didn’t stop at policy; he also took aim at Trump’s rhetoric and speech length. He joked about Trump’s lengthy address, saying, “Honestly, I thought the worst lie he told all night was when he said ‘in conclusion’ and then kept going.” President Joe Biden further ridiculed Trump’s statement about ending the non-existent “electric car mandate,” emphasizing the success of American manufacturing under his administration.

Donald, there is no electric car mandate. And American manufacturing is booming under my administration,” President Joe Biden said. He highlighted the nearly 800,000 new manufacturing jobs created during his tenure, contrasting it with Trump’s unfulfilled promises from his 2016 campaign.President Joe Biden’s comprehensive takedown of Trump’s speech aimed to discredit his rival’s claims and reinforce his own administration’s achievements.