James Comey Drops Bombshell: “Overwhelming Chance” of Donald Trump Conviction in Hush Money Trial

James Comey Drops Bombshell: "Overwhelming Chance" of Donald Trump Conviction in Hush Money Trial

Former FBI Director James Comey has dropped a bombshell, stating that the hush money trial against Donald Trump is “much stronger” than he initially thought. In an interview with NewsNation, James Comey expressed his surprise at the solidity of the case, saying, “I wasn’t sure that I would have [prosecuted the case] when I read the indictment, but now having seen the case, I’m not sure after investigating it how they wouldn’t bring it.” He added that the prosecution has a “much stronger case than I imagined.”

James Comey’s assessment is a significant blow to Donald Trump’s defense, as the former FBI Director is known for his impartiality and expertise in legal matters. His endorsement of the prosecution’s case adds weight to the already mounting evidence against Donald Trump, making it increasingly likely that the former President will face consequences for his actions.

James Comey Predicts “Overwhelming Chance” of Donald Trump Conviction

James Comey has made a glare prediction, stating that there is an “overwhelming chance” of a conviction in the hush money trial against Donald Trump. In his interview with NewsNation, James Comey said, “There’s an overwhelming chance of a conviction, a significant but much smaller chance of a hung jury, and zero chance of an acquittal.” This prediction is a stark warning to Donald Trump and his legal team, as James Comey’s expertise and knowledge of the legal system make him a credible source.

James Comey’s prediction is based on his analysis of the evidence and the prosecution’s case, which he believes is much stronger than he initially thought. His assessment is a significant blow to Donald Trump’s defense, as it suggests that the former President’s chances of acquittal are slim to none.

Donald Trump’s Attacks on FBI and Justice Department “Dangerous

James Comey has slammed Donald Trump’s ceaseless attacks on the FBI and the Justice Department, calling them “dangerous” and a threat to the institutions themselves. In his interview with NewsNation, Comey said, “Serious for the Justice Department and the FBI, because Donald Trump is coming for those institutions. He knows their power, and I think he has regrets that he didn’t work hard enough to corrupt them last time.”

James Comey’s warning is a stark reminder of the risks posed by Donald Trump’s attacks on the institutions that are meant to hold him accountable. By undermining the credibility and integrity of the FBI and the Justice Department, Donald Trump is attempting to avoid accountability and consolidate his power.

James Comey Warns of Donald Trump’s Plan to “Corrupt” FBI and Justice Department

James Comey has revealed that Donald Trump is planning to “corrupt” the FBI and the Justice Department if he wins back the White House. In his interview with NewsNation, Comey said, “He’s going to put people in positions in those organizations. He didn’t have all-stars the last time. He’ll have the bottom of the barrel this time, but people who will want to do his will — and that should worry every American.”

Comey’s warning is a chilling reminder of the risks posed by Donald Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and his willingness to undermine the institutions that are meant to hold him accountable. By packing the FBI and the Justice Department with loyalists, Donald Trump is attempting to avoid accountability and consolidate his power.

James Comey: Election Matters; Donald Trump’s Threat to Institutions

James Comey has emphasized the importance of the upcoming election, stating that it matters because of the threat posed by Donald Trump to the institutions that are meant to hold him accountable. In his interview with NewsNation, Comey said, “This election matters because of a reason like that. He’s coming for those institutions, and that’s a danger for all Americans.”

James Comey’s warning is a stark reminder of the stakes of the upcoming election. By electing Trump, Americans would be putting the institutions that are meant to hold him accountable at risk, and potentially undermining the very fabric of democracy.

James Comey’s Warning: Donald Trump’s Threat to Democracy

Comey has issued a stark warning about the threat posed by Donald Trump to democracy itself. In his interview with NewsNation, Comey said, “He’s coming for those institutions, and that’s a danger for all Americans. This election matters because of a reason like that.” Comey’s warning is a reminder of the risks posed by Donald Trump’s authoritarian tendencies and his willingness to undermine the institutions that are meant to hold him accountable.

Comey’s warning is a call to action for Americans to protect their democracy and the institutions that are meant to hold those in power accountable. By electing Donald Trump, Americans would be putting the very fabric of democracy at risk, and potentially undermining the progress made towards a more just and equitable society.